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Point Pleasant High School Water Line Break

7/18/2024 (Permalink)

wet tiles hanging from the ceiling of a classroom One of the classrooms affected by the break.

When Point Pleasant High school suffered a water main break at the start of the school year, water completely flooded three classrooms. The administration immediately called SERVPRO of Freehold to dry out the affected areas. Our certified IICRC ASD water professionals were on site within 1 hour to set up containment and place drying equipment along with air scrubbers to assure the students were provided with a safe breathing environment. Our team was able to quickly remediate the damage, all while working around classrooms in session throughout the rest of the building. 

Always rest assured when your municipal township or local school district calls on SERVPRO of Freehold, we will be on site immediately with our highly trained mitigation team to take care of your emergency with expert precision.

SERPVRO of Freehold is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to handle the largest and most complex water restoration project. Call us anytime at 732-431-4440.

Don't Let Sewage Turn Into Mold

7/9/2024 (Permalink)

wood flooring with mold on a bathroom floor Mold growth on the floor due to the sewage.

Left untreated, the moisture and bacteria from a sewage loss may cause microbial growth.  SERVPRO of Freehold has experience with remediating a loss in which sewage was left untreated, causing mold to form on the drywall and floor. In such an instance, all flooring, drywall, doors and trim must be removed. Dehumidifiers are placed and remaining stud beams, subfloor, and stationary objects are cleaned and sanitized. A special antimicrobial solution can be painted to the affected areas to prevent mold from reforming on the treated surfaces. This is usually the most important step in the mold remediation process.

In an effort to prevent the timely remediation of mold, a sewage loss must be mitigated immediately. Our team of SERVPRO professionals are trained to extract and clean the discharge from the area before placing drying equipment to remove any remaining moisture. Faster to any disaster, SERVPRO of Freehold is always ready to take on even the largest sewage losses.

Heavy Rain Affects Basement in Lincroft

6/29/2024 (Permalink)

standing water surrounding contents in a basement The basement flooded during torrential rain.

A basement can flood at any time, although flooding most often occurs during heavy rainfall. Basements are inherently prone to flooding because they are the lowest level of a building and are normally built partly or entirely below ground level. There are a number of reasons why your basement could flood, including: 

  • A blocked or failed sewer lateral pipe 
  • Heavy rain causes surface water to pool around your home
  • Storm sewer backup
  • Sanitary sewer backup
  • Foundation drainage failure
  • Water supply-line break or hot-water tank failure

SERVPRO of Freehold was onsite within one hour to inspect the damaged Lincroft home and to begin the water extraction process. In less than four days, our team successfully dried the basement. Our crews always use advanced inspection and monitoring equipment to determine if your home’s structure is actually dry. We are experts in taking care of flooded basements.

If water damage is not handled quickly and properly, it can cause severe damage to your home’s structure, not to mention the potential effects of mold. You do not want to wait until the loss spreads and increases in severity. The flooding in this Lincroft home was caused by heavy rain accumulation. Lincroft had received over five inches of rain within a few hours causing the water to back up into several basements.

Powerful Storms Threaten Coastal Areas

6/20/2024 (Permalink)

overhead view of shore town covered in sand and water Extreme coastal damage after a hurricane.

As global temperatures increase, and sea levels rise due to melting glaciers, cities and towns situated along coastal areas are at an increased threat of being hit by catastrophic storms. Eroding coastlines are bringing dangerous surf closer to residences and businesses situated by shorelines. Recent hurricanes have inundated these communities with extreme flooding and torrential rain, leaving tremendous destruction in their wake. Costs to repair disaster zones reach into the billions and increase with each storm, leaving questions about extensive recovery and ways to possibly minimize future losses. Advanced weather models predict massive storms will become more frequent as ocean temperatures continue to rise. Ocean temperatures remaining high for longer periods of time are fueling stronger storms and allowing them to strike seaside communities with greater regularity.

SERVPRO of Freehold has personally witnessed the damage following powerful storms. Our mitigation experts have mobilized to areas outside of our region to assist with recovery in seaside towns burdened with staggering losses. Based in New Jersey, our very own neighborhoods situated along the long coast are repeatedly threatened with severe flooding by forecasted disturbances. Our franchise is always prepared to help with mitigation and repairs following a formidable water disaster while at the same time, wondering how changes in weather will ultimately impact our environment.

Summer Fire Danger

6/6/2024 (Permalink)

Trees on fire at night Wildfires spread quickly and can devastate nearby communities.

The transition from cold and wet winter to warm, dryer weather contributes to higher levels of fire danger. As temperatures starts to rise in the late spring and early summer, lower levels of rainfall, bright sunshine and high wind increase the chance of dry brush creating a flame. Uncontrollable wildfires threaten enormous, forested areas leading to widespread incineration of woods and nearby structures. Campfires and grills can provide the single spark to mass destruction. Cigarettes thrown from a car can turn leaves and trees into a burning hotbox. Even small brush fires and smoking mulch can easily spread, setting nearby structures alight.

The public can help minimize the potential for summer fires by being aware of atmospheric conditions and taking notice of weather alerts. The US Forest Service posts daily fire danger levels at State and National Parks around the country to keep residents up to date. Campers especially need to be very mindful of their activity in the forest to prevent the ground around them from developing a flame. Power companies should inspect equipment near wooded areas on a regular basis and proactively replace ageing parts and systems. Home and business owners need to keep excessive leaves and brush away from structures to prevent potential flammability during prolonged dry weather.

Summer is the time for enjoying the outdoors, relaxing and having fun. It is to everyone’s benefit for each of us to do our best to prevent warm weather fires from harming the environment we live in.

Unbelievable Wind Damage!

5/30/2024 (Permalink)

broken branch resting on smashed side and roof of house Extreme wind events are increasing in frequency.

Extreme wind events due to massive tornadoes or destructive thunderstorms always grab our attention. Here at SERVPRO of Freehold, we have noticed an increase in damaging high wind events. Hurricanes are increasing in strength and frequency, coupled with changes in the jet stream, causing widespread costly property destruction. Powerful tornadoes continue to flatten entire communities in a matter of minutes. Falling trees from extreme wind events are a major cause of structural losses throughout the country on a regular basis.

SERVPRO of Freehold is always well prepared to respond to homes and businesses affected by wind damage. Often times, water can enter structures affected by wind, requiring our mitigation experts to quickly tarp damaged areas and start the drying process inside until repairs can begin. Experienced technicians from our franchise have also traveled out of state to assist with large-scale recovery following devastating hurricanes. Although windstorms are difficult to gauge, SERVPRO of Freehold has the tools and knowledge to secure and restore properties affected by wind in our ever-changing environment.

Simple Fire Safety Tips!

5/17/2024 (Permalink)

close view of hand opening battery door on a ceiling smoke alarm Test smoke alarms and change batteries to keep them working properly.

Actively taking steps to prevent fires can easily save lives and property from severe destruction. Being mindful of potential hazards and following simple safety rules can drastically reduce the threat of fire.

Tips are as follows:

  • Take the time to inspect smoke alarms on a yearly basis. Replace batteries and test each alarm to make sure they are working properly. Replace alarms based on the manufacture’s recommended guidelines. Do not obstruct alarms and be sure to install carbon monoxide detectors on each floor and within 10 feet of a bedroom for added protection.
  • Keep young children and pets away from stoves, lighters and ovens. Unplug appliances when they are not in use. Pay special attention to space heaters; turn off and unplug heaters which are not attended.
  • Do not leave lit candles unattended. Keep them out of the reach of children and pets.
  • Clean dryer vents and attached ducts every few months. Inspect the HVAC system on a regular basis and keep the area around it clean and free of clutter.
  • Make sure all fireplaces, fire pits, grills, and torches are distinguished when they are not attended.
  • Keep excessive leaves and brush away from your home or business. Do not store gasoline or propane near anything with a flame. Be sure to have cars inspected regularly to reduce the risk of fire.
  • Inspect extension cords and recycle those which are frayed and worn.
  • Be sure to have functional fire extinguishers in the kitchen and within proximity to appliances with a flame.

Keeping these safety basics in mind, you are being proactive in keeping your home or business safe from fire!

Teamwork is the Key to Our Success

5/10/2024 (Permalink)

No matter what business you work in, teamwork and proper ethics are essential to running a successful business. Here at SERVPRO of Freehold, our team is fortunate to have a warm, yet effective working relationship with each other. Considering we are an emergency business, it is imperative communication is clear between the office, field technicians and project managers. During a surge in business due to a disaster event, proper communication and execution allow our franchise to respond to more calls efficiently.

One of our greatest strengths here at SERVPRO of Freehold is the camaraderie shared within our entire staff. The positive relationship amongst each other provides a pleasant working experience which is then passed on to our customers throughout the day. Evidence of our work environment radiates throughout our business and the communities we serve; the office staff receives numerous complements about our chief technicians on a regular basis. Visit our testimonial page to see what our customers say about SERVPRO of Freehold in action!

Monday Morning Surprise

4/29/2024 (Permalink)

Swirling water on the floor of a carpeted office The office was flooded over the weekend and the damage was discovered upon opening on Monday.

The manager of a real estate office in Colts Neck, NJ walked into a flooded office Monday morning and was shocked at the amount of water on the floor. He immediately called SERVPRO of Freehold to clean up the water. Our team of water removal experts arrived within the hour to begin the drying process of the wet materials.

After extracting the water from the floor, our team placed drying equipment to take care of any lingering moisture in the office. Since the technicians arrived shortly after the loss happened, it was possible to save the carpeting from demolition. Our attentive administrative staff were able to find the realtors temporary office space during the cleanup. The manager was very impressed with the short time frame!

SERVPRO of Freehold is available 24 hours a day for water emergencies no matter how large or small. When you are dealing with water damage, taking action immediately is essential. A quick response from our experienced team reduces the spread of damage and ensures successful drying to get you back in business!

Latest Technology

4/19/2024 (Permalink)

hand placing a black meter to a wall Using advanced equipment at a water loss.

SERVPRO of Freehold is using the latest technology in disaster recovery to ensure fast and efficient service for all emergency projects. Mastering industry standards, utilizing advanced equipment and providing continuous training to team members allow our business to be a leader in emergency recovery.

When on site at various losses, our technicians use a range of energy-saving equipment to dry, deodorize, and purify air and structural materials as needed. Specialized machines and environmentally- friendly cleaning agents are used to properly disinfect structures affected by fire, water or mold.

Advanced monitoring tools allow our technicians to accurately determine the moisture level of building materials affected by water. The tools make it simple to confirm the materials are successfully dried at the completion of the job. Our team utilized the inferred camera pictured on a commercial loss in Howell, NJ to check for moisture behind a wall which did not appear to be wet from the outside.

All technicians receive ongoing training and certifications in accordance with IICRC standards, which are a series of guidelines and processes necessary for performing emergency mitigation services. The training also updates the staff about the availability of innovative new equipment and tools which can provide them with greater capability in the field. Additional training is provided whenever equipment is updated.

SERVPRO of Freehold is dedicated to obtaining cutting-edge technology as it continues to become available. Equipped with innovative tools and knowledge, the franchise is always ready to take on emergencies large and small with complete accuracy.